Resources for Litigation Attorneys

How to work efficiently and effectively with financial experts

Article Series: How to work efficiently and effectively with financial experts  

Litigation cases involving a business that has been damaged or has owners who disagree on the value of the business are complex and often require a financial expert. 

Capital Valuation Group has been working with litigation attorneys for over 45 years to determine independent opinions of damages or business value and when necessary, testify as to these opinions in both state and federal courts. 

You know the law. We know the process and details of calculating financial damages, forensic tracing, business valuation, and how to communicate in writing and through testimony in an understandable way.  That is why we are sharing a series of articles to serve as a resource to show you how to optimize working with a financial expert. 

You can think of these upcoming articles as a mini-course on “Navigating Business Damages and Valuation in Litigation.” Together, the articles will form a roadmap of how to best work with a financial expert.

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